P: 905.640.9544 | info@skybeco.com

About Us

Speciality products for a specialized world Speciality products for a specialized world



Our mission is to be the “Go To” supplier for users of specialty metals and raw materials. We aim to accomplish this by ensuring a dependable supply at a competitive price with an unsurpassed level of customer service.


Through its commitment to customer satisfaction, its set of values, and its ability to be competitive, Skybeco offers customers a multi-faceted advantage in sourcing their requirements.


CUSTOMER SERVICE: It is our mandate that customers experience total satisfaction in working with Skybeco. We aim to be exceptionally responsive to our customers’ requirements and to do our utmost in meeting their needs.

RESPECT: Customers and vendors are the lifeblood of a company; they are critical to its survival. We will treat our customers and vendors with the highest respect in all of our dealings and communications.

INTEGRITY: A solid reputation is essential in conducting business and in maintaining customers and superior relations. We will not make commitments that we cannot keep, and we will stand behind those that we do make.

FLEXIBILITY: Our aim is to satisfy as many of our customers’ supply requirements as possible. If we do not regularly supply a desired product or service, we will look outside our regular channels in order to source or provide it. In short, we have a “can do” attitude towards helping customers.

Marc von Schwerin

Marc’s involvement in specialty metals began in 1988, developing markets for Canadian miner Noranda’s moly (molybenum) products. Following successive assignments in the zinc, recylcled plastics, and potash industries, he returned to specialty products in 1998 when he assumed global management of selenium, tellurium, indium, cadmium, copper sulphate, and nickel sulphate sales for NorandaFalconbridge. He has served as president of the Selenium Tellurium Development Association (STDA) and as chairmain of the International Cadmium Association (ICdA). Marc has been with Skybeco since its founding in 2005, and currently serves as its president.

Marc speaks fluent German and basic Spanish. In addition to Canada, he has lived in Germany and the USA. In his spare time he coaches basketball weekly in a local league.